e3t.c news
- 11/26/2012
Yup, updated the fuel economy tracker today, as promised. The page also got some updated charts showing historical fuel economy and SF Bay Area gas prices. We shall see how the new engine does in this department over the next year or so.
- 11/25/2012
I added about 18 months' worth of updates to the maintenance list. The car has a new engine now! The gas mileage page should see an update soon, too.
- 06/13/2011
I have made some updates to my maintence log, and created a new section tracking my car's fuel economy over the last few years. There are some plots of fuel economy, and the price of gasoline just for fun.
- 12/18/2010
After a bit of a delay, I have finally written the articles showing how to install a keyless entry module, and an OEM illuminated shift knob. There are a few other how-to articles I still need to put together, and I hope to get to those during the upcoming holiday break.
My upcoming plans are to add a new section to My318iS covering the custom sound system I installed, to add a gas mileage log to go with the maintenance listing, and to write an article detailing the true cost of ownership of an E30. I compiled some financial data on that subject last year, and let's just say that running a tight ship is not cheap at all. The E30 really is a money pit if you want to keep it in respectable condition!
- 12/04/2010
I have done a little maintenance (replaced light bulbs, checked fluids) on the car in the last few days & added that informaiton to the maintenance log. In the next few days I will add two new articles showing how I installed an OEM illuminated shift knob and a $30 keyless entry system. The keyless entry modification was cheap, relatively easy and well worth it. The illuminated knob "modification" was completely overpriced, but easy to install and worth it in its own way! More to come...
- 11/26/2010
I added a new page today. It lists all the maintenance and other work that I have done on this car since I purchased it in 2005. With it all written-out like this, I think I can see why a lot of people avoid older German cars. These things are time & money puts! I also added an article showing how to install a rear view mirror that is equipped with map lights.
- 11/25/2010
Today I rebuilt my driver's side door lock assembly and wrote a how-to article about it.
- 11/20/2010
I added a new article about re-carpeting the rear deck, so have a look!
- 11/19/2010
Here is the "annual" update. I have brought the modification section up-to-date and made some corrections to a few articles. There are not really any other big changes to note here.
- 08/17/2009
It has been a long time since the last update. I added a bit in the Pictures, Projects & Stories section about my adventure in installing sound deadening. Go check it out!
- 09/19/2008
I fixed a little something in the Links section, and made some additions to the modifications section. An update was made to the MAF Conversion article as well. I presently have 80lbs of sound deadening material arriving tomorrow, which I will be installing this weekend (along with some closed-cell foam). The original sound deadening tar has been removed in preparation for this. As much as I love performance, an extra 40lbs of sound deadening is well worth the hassle in my opinion!
- 03/04/2008
Well, apparently there was some sort of SNAFU in the articles section and a bunch of them have not been visible for a while now. I fixed this problem and all of my articles should now be available again.
- 02/25/2008
The article regarding seat repairs has been updated with additional information. If you were planning to use it, it should be a bit more complete now, covering a couple items specific to the passenger-side seat. Enjoy!
- 02/23/2008
I tossed up an article detailing how to repair a broken sport seat. The fix for this annoying problem is pretty simple, so check it out! The car was also involved in a small collision a couple days ago, so the shots form that will be up soon.
- 12/21/2007
After a long spell of inactivity, new content has been added to the site. The Modifications section has been brought up-to-date with the three more recent modifications (Rear Head Rests, HID Lights, and Custom 1-Touch Windows). Furthermore, I have written articles pertaining to the installation of the rear head rests and HID light installation, as well as fixing the article regarding the installation of Euro Ellipsoid lights. Check them out in the links below!
The Links section has also seen some additions and removals, so be sure to check it out for other useful resources.
- 02/06/2007
The chassis rebuild story is now finished and up in the My 318iS => Pictures section. It is a fairly comprehensive look at doing a major suspension and driveline overhaul on an E30.
- 02/05/2007
The Articles section now has the procedure for repairing the valve cover bolt holes. Work will begin soon on converting the messy story of the chassis rebuild on the second car to this site's format.
- 02/04/2007
The details of my COP conversion were finally added to the site. A brief overview was put in the My Modifications section. The full story can be found in the Pictures, Projects & Stories section.
- 09/24/2006
I added to the stories section today. The account of my broken oil pan was added there. Check it out!
- 06/25/2006
The whole site is converted, and new content is being added daily. The new stuff includes:
- 06/23/2006
Well, about 40% of the site has been converted over to PhP. Goodness is PhP making my life easier! Anyway, the modifications section, as well as current projects, are being updated to whatever their current status is with the new 318iS. Perhaps within a week this thing will be done, and lots of new content will be on the way!
- 06/21/2006
It sure has been quite a while since the last update! A LOT has gone on since the last one. I installed all of the mods from the last car (it happened in December, rather than November). I successfully built a MAF converter for part of my engineering senior project, and am finalizing the design so that it is a sellable product. A custom Coil-on-Plug ignition setup is in the works; I got it running from a setup I designed. It just needs to be perfected so that it looks a little nicer, and I need to be satisfied that it is a safe installation. A full engine-parameter datalogger is also coming up for the M42! Stay tuned for that!
The site is going under the knife as well. The graphic scheme is staying the same, but the form it displays in is being changed to something more viewer-friendly (bigger content area). The frames are gone, never to return (yay). Now pages can be directly linked to. The site is also utizing some basic PhP scripting, which has made my life far far far easier!
- 10/12/2005
Well, school has been keeping me pretty busy, but that certainly is not to say that nothing has happened. The 318iS was totalled while testing out the LC-1 WBO2 unit with MegaSquirt. I salvaged almost all of the mods, and sold a lot of OEM stuff. I also purchased another red 1991 318iS, but this one has a leather interior. This Thanksgiving it will receive all the mods (I will finally have some time). This weekend, I will be rebuilding the timing case, and doing a complete writeup of the process. The car will also see some badly-needed wax, and HOPEFULLY the rest of the engine will get cleaned & painted. I added the crash pics to the My 318iS > Pics section. That is all for now, drive safe!
- 6/23/2005
I added a bit more to the My318is Pictures section and am nearly ready to start the articles section. After that has been updated, I can remove the old site from the server entirely.
In other news, I have ordered the rest of the parts for my MegaSquirt S-AFC. Those should be here in about a week. Once I have a little more cash I will order a Wide-Band Oxygen sensor (the LC-1 from Innovate Motorsports). I will also be installing a new differential mount. It is a polyurethane unit from BMWBushings.com. That should provide a very nice improvement from my currently shredded rubber one.
- 6/12/2005
Well, all of the pages (except the frames page which is HTML4.01 compliant) have been made XHTML1.1 compliant and can be W3C validated. This means that things should look the same in all modern, up-to-date, browsers.
So, what is new? I have finished updating the "My Modifications" section. Next I will do the rest of "My 318iS," and then hopefully the articles section. Unfortunately, time is short with work & school, but I will eventually get this thing in ship-shape!
- 6/10/2005
I finally solved the ugly Internet Explorer horizontal scrollbar problem. Everything on the site should display properly in IE from now on (though it does not support most of the effects associated with the CSS ":hover" bit). Hopefully I will be able to finish converting the Modifications section over soon.
- 5/17/2005
TWell, the conversion is coming along nicely. Hopefully it will be complete by Monday, May 23.
- 5/11/2005
Well, I am tired of using FrontPage to create this site. It makes my pages buggy and work differently with various browsers. I will begin the arduous procedure of converting it to XHTML & CSS in the near future. By the end I hope all pages will get W3C validation.
In other news, I installed my Euro Ellipsoid headlights and am liking them. I have finished the writeup for their installation as well. Check it out!
I have begun ordering parts for my MegaSquirt S-AFC. THAT will be exciting when done!