If you feel that I am leaving out a good site, please let me know via e-mail. I will do my best to keep this section updated. All links will open new windows.
The name should be fairly self-explanatory. This is the home of the E30 M42 Club (M42Club). It has a forum open to all M42 enthusiasts, specifically those with an M42-powered E30, or older vehicle with an M42 swapped in. If you want to get involved with the largest collaboration of M42 enthusiasts in the world, check it out.
Enthusiast Sites
This is one of the all-around best E30 sites out there. They have a very extensive article database, as well as a simple message board and a number of other features. All-in-all, the best place to go for E30 information.
This is one of the best 318iS sites out there. It has a wide variety of articles discussing maintenance and modifications, as well as an impressive collection of pictures.
This site was originally about the owner's 1992 325iC that he modified very heavily. It does have some neat ideas, some applicable to all E30's. Unfortunately, the car was rear-ended & totaled. The articles still remain there, as well as other sections on his E30 M3 and motorcycle.
This is a company that sells some performance parts for BMW's, and has a technical article detailing the M20 clutch/flywheel swap. They sell lightweight flywheels as well.
This is hands-down the most useful site there is for BMW owners. It has all of the original part diagrams and part numbers for every BMW ever made. This is a life saver when deciding what you need for a rebuild!
Discussion Boards
One of the largest, if not THE largest BMW forum out there. It is an excellent resource, covering all BMW models and a large amount of off-topic discussion. They have an extensive technical forum section.
A very good E30 specific forum with technical sections as well as general and off-topic discussion sections.
A good BMW discussion board, covering all BMW models. It is about the same in size as Bimmerforums, and about as good.
A good board covering most BMW models, with good technical sections and general discussion sections.
Another good E30 specific technical forum.
Part Vendors
A very good company with an extensive selection of BMW performance products. One of my most frequent companies to shop.
Another EXCELLENT performance and OEM part company. They have a huge selection of performance parts available at very good prices. They probably have the best prices out there.
This company has a pretty good selection of performance products and OEM ones, at a slightly higher price than the above two for some parts. All in all, a good company.
This company has a wide selection of performance and stock parts, only at a slightly elevated price for some, and sometimes frustrating shipping methods.
A very good selection of performance BMW flywheels can be found here, ad a pretty good price.
They sell some BMW performance products (including performance flywheels at a good price).
This company sells multi-throttle intake kits that seem much better than BMP's.
An interesting site/company that sells full-out race equipment for Porsches and the M42, many of which parts seem to have been derived from the S42 engine.
A very good Prosche & BMW OEM part supplier. Very good prices and selection.
A very complete OEM parts dealer with slightly higher prices than Pelican, but free shipping on orders over $50 and a more easily navigable site than Pelican's. Still a good source, with mane photos of parts.
Craig's List is a free online classified-ad site. You can find most anything on there, including cars and car parts. You can post free ads of your own, either selling items or requesting them. There is no advertising on it, and no spam email.
BMWLight sells acrylic replacement headlight/foglight covers. The prices are fair and shipping reasonably quick. The replacement lenses/covers are a near-OE fit.
These guys have some very good deals on HID lighting kits and short shifter parts. I have been very satisfied with my HID kit I purchased from them.